Monday, 4 April 2016


I grow marikolunthu plant in my home yard. It grows healthy upto two feet. When we pluck and rub some leaves it gives an amazing aromatic fragrance.

Scientific name is Artemisia Pallens.

I gathered some information about this Marikolunthu:

This plant has its native of Tamilnadu. Karnataka, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. This plant is a small and aromatic herb and xerophytic in nature.
In the regional languages the Marikolunthu is known as Thavanam, marikolunthu in Tamil, Thavanamu in Telugu and davana in Kannada.
It is commercially cultivated for its aromatic oil.
The flowers are small racemose panicles bearing numerous flower heads or capitula but the silky which covering down gives the appearance of foliage of grey color.
It has pinna sect and alternate leaves (the leaves divided into opposite pairs of lobes combined at the bottom gives the flower like appearance.
The most commercial by-product manufactured from Davana plant is Davana perfumery oil.
The oil is not much popular in India but famous and exported to America, France, Germany and Netherland for its aromatic perfume
Davana leaves and flowers are used to make bouquet, flower garland and flower arrangements.
Its cost is high.
The plant seeds are very small and small and tender seedlings should be taken an extra care to cultivate.
When applied to the skin, it will give different smell in different persons.



  1. Ok how to plant at home
    and fertilizer to grow

    1. no fertilizer please.
      This wonderful aromatic herb may be available any nursery. You can buy this and plant it in your home garden or balcony or pots.
      Just water it. It will grow abundantly in sunlight.
      mesmerizing aroma it has!

    2. is this Oregano plant. it looks the same for me.

  2. Ok how to plant at home
    and fertilizer to grow

  3. I tried growing the seeds ...They sprout and after it gives 2 leaves it's dying ....Why is it so?

  4. I want marikozhundhu plant where v will get

  5. I search for Mari kolunthp in so many nursery but no way. I want the plant from where do I get the plant.

  6. Where i can get in Malaysia

  7. This is not marikozhunthu. It is called maruvam in tamil and marjoram in English. Real marikohunthu has feathery leaves and called as davana in India. People get confused between davana (marikohunthu) and maruvam in India. Google davana or Artemisia Pallens.

  8. This is not davana in telugu. It's called morum. Davana is different but both r fragrance leaves

  9. As I need of this plant
    Please call me / let me know your
    I Murli Guindy Chennai

  10. Can i buy this marikolenthe plant

  11. Hi the scientific name is not artemisia pallens - it is origanum majorana - marjoram or marikolunthu


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