Friday, 1 September 2017


       The amazing Pirandai is a perennial herb known popularly as ADAMANT CREEPER, DEVIL'S BACKBONE and VELDT GRAPE. This plant is a creeper from the grape family. Its binomial name is Cissus Quadrangularis.

Pirandai is enriched with Vitamin C and vitamin E. In 100 gm of pirandai, 327 mg vitamin C and 696 mg vitamin E are present. It is an antioxidant containing flavonoids and quercetin. This herb has been used in culinary and Siddha and Ayurvedic medicinal word since long times ago. Pirandai is widely used in the treatment of diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, bone fractures, malaria,  asthma, stomach disorders, menstrual pains, peptic ulcer, cancer, metabolic syndrome and heart-related risks.

Village folks of Tamilnadu know its value in treating sprains, stomach disorders, bad cholesterol, Diabetes, bleeding nose, respiratory issues and asthma, complications arising out of menstrual cramps and irregular periods are cured by the consumption of Pirandai chutney or thuvaiyal weekly twice.

In Ayurvedic and Siddha treatment, Pirandai root is washed, dried and powdered and consumption of this powder is advised to join fractured bones. While consuming, you can externally apply a paste of the powder mixed in hot water to speed up the joining of the fractures or to cure the crack of bones

Because of this amazing significance, this Pirandai is called as Herbal Bone Setter,

All parts of the plant is used in the medical field. Whereas in Culinary purpose, the first three segments of Pirandai, the most tender parts are used to make chutney, vadagam, pulikuzhambu etc.
The matured segments are very itchy to our hands and tongues. So they should be avoided. The leaves are also used to make chutneys.
My sister gave me few segments with roots to plant in my garden. I planted it in a pot and I am watering thrice a day.  It thrives well. Due to the rainy season now, it grows fast.

Now I can use this miraculous pirandai in my kitchen. I am making chutneys easily and getting its benefits by consuming once in a week. The chutney is so delicious and gives comfort to stomach and ease digestion.

Please refer
                      adamant creeper.html


1 comment:

  1. Nice information. Thanksfor sharing. Pirandai is a perennial plant of the grape family. Pirandai is rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, which is useful in reducing inflammation effectively. Pirandai is a blood purifier. It helps to reduce hunger and prevents craving for more food. This helps the body to use already stored fat as energy.It is used to treat stomach disorders. Medicinal Uses of Pirandai
