Thursday 31 August 2017


If the season is favorite for growth, the Imampasanth sapling will grow fast with the healthy branches.

Now,  it is four feet height and seems healthy and strong.

I googled to know about the Imampasanth mango variety, I came to know about the cultivation and high yield of Imampasanth variety of all mangoes,

It is originated from Andhra Pradesh. It needs special crop protection technique to sustain its great sweetness.

Mango is considered to be the king of all fruits. It is so delicious in taste, excellent in flavor, mind blowing fragrance.  Mango fruits are enriched with Vitamin A and C. Once a sapling grows into a tree, it requires low maintenance. Nature will take care of the tree. Mango fruits are utilized at all stages of its growth both in raw fruit and matured fruit. RAw fruits are used to make chutneys, thuvaiyals, pickles. The ripe fruits are used for making desserts, sweets, squashes, jams.
Mangoes normally grow under both tropical and subtropical climatic conditions.

Mangoes come up well in wide range of soils from alluvial to laterite.

There are nearly 1000 varieties of mangoes grown in our nation.

Yet I want to know more about mango cultivation especially Imampaaanth.

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