Wednesday, 23 August 2017


      In the morning, I usually have a short visit to the garden and observe everything keenly. I wish cool goodmorning to every sapling, plants and fruit trees and have a great desire to capture the beautiful flowers blooming. I never forget to smell the divine fragrance emanated in the morning air!
I feel deep meditation in the garden. I love to capture the images of every fresh flower I have seen.

I think that this is the right time to tell you about the planting of rose cuttings. The rose stem cutting should be 6 to 8 inches in height measuring approximately down the young stem from the basee of the bloom. Always prefer to use sharp clean pruners to cut the stem. The soil should be kept ready by digging the pit for about three to four inches deep and loosening the soil with fresh water. It is better to cultivate the rose sapling during Raining season. (September, October and November)

Once the rose cuttings done, they should be brought to the planting soil.
Always do this planting process in the evening  5 p.m to 6 p.m. Take out a single cutting, remove the leaves from the lower side of the cutting. Then make a small sliding slit with a sharp blade.

Use a pencil or pen like stick to make a hole that is deep enough to plant the cutting up to 4 inches of its over all height. Gently push the soil in around the cutting to set the cutting erect. Do the same process for each cutting. Water gently the soil till the water absorbed by the soil around the cutting.
It is important to use fresh water always  which stimulates the fast growth of the cutting and the soil moisture around the cutting should be maintained. But care should be taken to avoid the creation of standing water or muddy soil around. Shaking of the cutting destroy the rooting. So don't disturb the cutting. During raining season, the rooting will be fast. So do the process during this season.
No fertilizers needed for rooting. Adult rose bushes only need the natural fertilizer Neem cakes, ash.
Don't use chemical fertilizers, Watering abundantly when the rose bushes grown. Fresh water must be used. Then only you can see lot flowers and buds in the Rose plant.

You can plant the cuttings in a pot in the same method and keep undisturbed. I will post the images of taking rose stem cuts and show the images of planting in a pot during the next post.

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