Monday, 21 August 2017


Fragrant jasmine shrub is adored by the gardeners like me because of its divine fragrance, abundant growth and its white flowers. In this spring season, it begins to produce bountiful clusters of 2 to three flowers of white beauty on twining branches clad with rich dark green leaves up to eight or nine leaflets.

I think the blooming will continue all over the year. Such a divine fragrance! 

It is said to be the shrub of jasmine virtually pest and disease free. Resistant to all the insects. It is a hardy shrub that is seldom attacked by the pests. but aphids may attack. Remove the branches that have sticky honeydew excreted by the aphids. However, the plant itself take care of itself on right suitable conditions.

It covers the ground. 

We will prune out thin and old shoots so that the advantage of blooming on new shoot develops and grows and bounce back with flowers profusely in just a few weeks.

This Jasmine's scientific name is Jasminum officinale. There are more than 200 species of jasmine in this plant kingdom.

This is also termed as Common white Jasmine. It can be propagated from cuttings taken during the spring season.

The cuttings will take 4 to 5weeks to root. Pinch out the tips of the tiny plant to enhance its bushy growth.

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