Thursday 9 November 2017


Curry leaves are richly packed with iron and folic acid. Folic acid, you know, is mainly responsible for absorption of iron. So we can conclude that the curry leaves are the rich source of both the iron and folic acid also that they are the very natural remedy for anaemia.

Curry leaves check the blood sugar levels and so it is good for diabetic people. They lower the high blood sugar levels and they are proved to be rich in fibers

Researchers prove that curry leaves help in lowering cholesterol levels. It is packed with antioxidants and prevent the oxidation of cholesterol that forms LDL cholesterol (bad ) and simultaneously it increases the good cholesterol levels protecting the body from the heart diseases and atherosclerosis.

It improves digestion and it supports the weight loss thereby treating diabetes right at the root level.

According to the researchers, curry leaves can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It protects the chromosomes and bone marrow and prevents the production of free radicals in the body. What an astonishing ability of these wonderful leaves!

It sounds unbelievable remedies. Isn't it?
Curry leaves consist of antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal and antiprotozoal properties so that it is dealing common skin infections like the fungal infection of nails.
Moreover, it accelerates the abundant hair growth and prevents the greying fights dandruff.

These leaves are termed as Kadipatta in Hindi.

It is not only used for seasoning but also it has a lot of benefits for our health.

Scientific name: Murraya Koenigii Family Rutaceae native to India and Sri Lanka.

Curry leaf plant can be grown from seeds or cuttings.  Sow the seeds in pot soil and keep them damp.
but not too much wet. It can grow well in the exposure to sunlight after growing some inches high.
Freshwater accelerates its growth abundantly and bright green, elongated leaves. Its baby leaves and stem are red in nature. They are much aromatic and beautiful.

Pinch the tips of the branches so that the many branches will grow.

Prune the plant during the winter season to avoid pests and worms. It goes dormant and the leaves turn black and dotted and drop out the entire leaves and stand alone. But it will cherish during the months of March and April during summer seasons.

The more you harvest, the bushier the plant will grow.

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