Tuesday, 21 November 2017


Coccinia Grandis, the Ivy Gourd vine   

Ivy gourd vine is also called as Baby watermelon, little gourd, gentleman's toes and popularly termed as Tindora belonging to the Family Cucurbitaceae. Roots form everytime the branch touches the soil.

Each root is enlarged giving the ability to grow long period of the season.
The leaves are slightly broad and flat shaped as a heart and having sometimes different shapes of leaves seen. The flower is white with five petals with a tube-like base.

This vine is fast growing and aggressive in growth.It is said that the growth is 4 inches per day. There is a wonderful and true saying that is if we don't consume the ivy gourd, Ivy gourd will consume the environment. That much aggressive and dominating growth is its nature. This vine smothers the nearby trees.

In my home garden, this aggressive vine smothers the lemon tree nearby. The vine is recorded as an invasive weed in Pacific Islands.

Perennial vine up to 12 m tall which forms the dense leaves and vines that cover the entire shrubs and trees nearby. Stems are green slender and when it matured becomes succulent and thick.

Flowers are not seen in our garden because I remove certain stems whenever it covers the lemon tree.I heard from my mom that the fruits are wonderful red colour and soft the parrots love to eat this fruit.

Health benefits of this Ivy gourd is amazing.

Prevents kidney stones.
It controls blood sugar levels.
It acts as a immune system regulator.
It is rich in Beta-carotene.

It is used for culinary purpose. I rarely use these young leaves of the ivy gourd vine for green gravy. Sometimes I add two different greens with this Ivy gourd leaves in dal base and consume. It is very tasty. For that nutritional and culinary benefits, I love this vine very much.

Thursday, 9 November 2017


Curry leaves are richly packed with iron and folic acid. Folic acid, you know, is mainly responsible for absorption of iron. So we can conclude that the curry leaves are the rich source of both the iron and folic acid also that they are the very natural remedy for anaemia.

Curry leaves check the blood sugar levels and so it is good for diabetic people. They lower the high blood sugar levels and they are proved to be rich in fibers

Researchers prove that curry leaves help in lowering cholesterol levels. It is packed with antioxidants and prevent the oxidation of cholesterol that forms LDL cholesterol (bad ) and simultaneously it increases the good cholesterol levels protecting the body from the heart diseases and atherosclerosis.

It improves digestion and it supports the weight loss thereby treating diabetes right at the root level.

According to the researchers, curry leaves can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It protects the chromosomes and bone marrow and prevents the production of free radicals in the body. What an astonishing ability of these wonderful leaves!

It sounds unbelievable remedies. Isn't it?
Curry leaves consist of antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal and antiprotozoal properties so that it is dealing common skin infections like the fungal infection of nails.
Moreover, it accelerates the abundant hair growth and prevents the greying hair.it fights dandruff.

These leaves are termed as Kadipatta in Hindi.

It is not only used for seasoning but also it has a lot of benefits for our health.

Scientific name: Murraya Koenigii Family Rutaceae native to India and Sri Lanka.

Curry leaf plant can be grown from seeds or cuttings.  Sow the seeds in pot soil and keep them damp.
but not too much wet. It can grow well in the exposure to sunlight after growing some inches high.
Freshwater accelerates its growth abundantly and bright green, elongated leaves. Its baby leaves and stem are red in nature. They are much aromatic and beautiful.

Pinch the tips of the branches so that the many branches will grow.

Prune the plant during the winter season to avoid pests and worms. It goes dormant and the leaves turn black and dotted and drop out the entire leaves and stand alone. But it will cherish during the months of March and April during summer seasons.

The more you harvest, the bushier the plant will grow.


Sunday, 1 October 2017


Family: Asteraceae
Scientific Name:Eclipta Alba/Eclipta Prostrata

Bhringraj in Sanskrit is known as Kehraj in Assamese and Karisalanganni in Tamil, Bhungra/Mochkand in HindiFalse daisy in English medicinal herb that grows in moist areas. According to Ayurveda, it is a powerful liver cleanser. The greens are especially good for healthy shiny hair. It is having magic rasayana-an ingredient that rejuvenates and slows down the ageing process. This is otherwise known as Kayakalpa 

I  have this amazing herb in my home garden and I suggest that you can grow this herb in your garden too to acquire its medicinal benefits. The plant does not need much care. It is known as a sacred herb and of high value. Including this greens in our diet regularly once in a week will prevent anaemia, all liver related issue.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017


Can you guess what is the name of this plant? Here is one clue!
This is a legume plant and the kernels are very delicious and green!

Green Peas!😄

Beautiful spherical peas, you know, Green peas!!!!

Pea pods are scientifically called as fruits, since they contain seeds grown from the ovary of the flowers. They are very popular in all over the world and loved by all.

The scientific name of this plant is Pisum Sativum

They are easy to grow and have a limited growing season.
Moreover,  peas do not stay fresh so enjoy them while they are fresh.
This is a legume species so pea roots fix the nitrogen in the soil so that the nitrogen is available for other plants.

We can grow the peas in our home garden easily.  I purchased green peas from the super market for making vegetable briyani in my home. I de-shelled the peas from its pod and refrigerated the green peas in a container.  After three days, I observed the green peas starts to grow. I wondered and decided to so these seeds in the soil. At first, I choose to sow these seeds in a mud pot.

It started growing. It thrives well in the monsoon season. Green peas attach by tendrils tiny wire like structure that curls and encircles supports. I didn't apply any fertilizer.

One interesting matter is that this plant, as other legume plants, fix its own nitrogen from the air and it improves the soil by adding the nitrogen.  The nitrogen fixation happens in conjunction with Rhizobium bacteria present in the soil.

We have to water this plants gently because the plant is very tender and shallow rooted. So adequate water supply is critical to the growth of the pea plants.Due to raining season, the rain water is very nutritious to this plant so it starts its blooming at the very young stage of its life. Now the flowers withered away and its ovary starts to grow fatty.

Let us watch how they turned into fatty pea pods!

I 'm just going to cross my fingers and hope it works wonderfully!

Sunday, 3 September 2017


I am delighted to share the Roses of Today!!!
After heavy rain, the roses glow in sunlight!!!
I cannot stop without sharing these silky roses with you.


General introduction of Avaram plant/Cassia Auriculata:

These amazing plants are abundantly grown in Hills and remote regions and dry places of the villages. The botanical name of the Avaaram plant is Senna Auriculata or Cassiaauriculata. Avaaram plant in Tamil whereas in English it is called as Avaram Senna. It is the state flower of Telangana.

Avaarai is a beautiful shrub with has a lot of side branches with smooth bark. It has numerously stipulated,  closely packed and arranged leaves. The flowers are beautiful and bright yellow colored and very attractive. They are bisexual in nature. They are in racemes. The avaarai is highly medicinal.
The flowers are used to get glowing face and skin. They are sun-dried,  packed and available in herbal stores and grocery stores.

In my garden, I sowed about 12 seeds during the summer season and irrigate them regularly. The saplings grew well.   Due to unavoidable circumstances, I was not able to take care of them.  Seven plants withered due to hot rays of the Sun. Three survived. Now I am maintaining these saplings.

I am waiting for its blooming time

Friday, 1 September 2017


Henna shrub is called as Mehandi in Hindi. Henna/Mehandi is the symbol of family auspicious occasions like Puberty, wedding, Bangle ceremony/valaikappu  The flowers of henna are seen in clusters. The blossom of the henna shrub is the most fragrant flowers in the world.

"Henna blossoms have been used in perfumes since 1500 BC. They were the Prophet Mohammed's favorite scent. Henna flower attars are called Gulhina Attar and are produced commercially in Uttar Pradesh, India."

                                                                                                                             source The Henna Page

Henna flowers have four sepals and a 2 mm calyx tube with 3 mm spread lobes. It's petals are obovate with white or red stamens found in pairs on the rim of the calyx tube. The ovary is four celled, 5 mm long and erect, Henna fruits are small brownish red capsules 4-8 mm in diameter with 32-49 seeds per fruit and open irregularly into four slits.

Family: Lythraceae
The Scientific name of the Henna shrub: Lawsonia Inermis.
                                                                                                                            source Wikipedia

Henna flowers are having an amazing remedy for insomnia. Siddha and Ayurvedha specialists assure that dried henna flowers and packed in sachets and kept beneath  the head or in bed. These undried henna flowers in sachet are inducing sound sleep. This is the natural method to avoid the sleeping pills and its side effects.



       The amazing Pirandai is a perennial herb known popularly as ADAMANT CREEPER, DEVIL'S BACKBONE and VELDT GRAPE. This plant is a creeper from the grape family. Its binomial name is Cissus Quadrangularis.

Pirandai is enriched with Vitamin C and vitamin E. In 100 gm of pirandai, 327 mg vitamin C and 696 mg vitamin E are present. It is an antioxidant containing flavonoids and quercetin. This herb has been used in culinary and Siddha and Ayurvedic medicinal word since long times ago. Pirandai is widely used in the treatment of diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, bone fractures, malaria,  asthma, stomach disorders, menstrual pains, peptic ulcer, cancer, metabolic syndrome and heart-related risks.

Village folks of Tamilnadu know its value in treating sprains, stomach disorders, bad cholesterol, Diabetes, bleeding nose, respiratory issues and asthma, complications arising out of menstrual cramps and irregular periods are cured by the consumption of Pirandai chutney or thuvaiyal weekly twice.

In Ayurvedic and Siddha treatment, Pirandai root is washed, dried and powdered and consumption of this powder is advised to join fractured bones. While consuming, you can externally apply a paste of the powder mixed in hot water to speed up the joining of the fractures or to cure the crack of bones

Because of this amazing significance, this Pirandai is called as Herbal Bone Setter,

All parts of the plant is used in the medical field. Whereas in Culinary purpose, the first three segments of Pirandai, the most tender parts are used to make chutney, vadagam, pulikuzhambu etc.
The matured segments are very itchy to our hands and tongues. So they should be avoided. The leaves are also used to make chutneys.
My sister gave me few segments with roots to plant in my garden. I planted it in a pot and I am watering thrice a day.  It thrives well. Due to the rainy season now, it grows fast.

Now I can use this miraculous pirandai in my kitchen. I am making chutneys easily and getting its benefits by consuming once in a week. The chutney is so delicious and gives comfort to stomach and ease digestion.

Please refer http://www.kongutraditionalrecipes.com/2016/09/pirandai-thuvayal.html
                   http://www.kongutraditionalrecipes.com/2016/09/pirandai-puli-kuzhambu-             adamant creeper.html
                   http://www.kongutraditionalrecipes.com/2017/01/chola-idlies-and-pirandai-                                  chutney.html


Thursday, 31 August 2017


If the season is favorite for growth, the Imampasanth sapling will grow fast with the healthy branches.

Now,  it is four feet height and seems healthy and strong.

I googled to know about the Imampasanth mango variety, I came to know about the cultivation and high yield of Imampasanth variety of all mangoes,

It is originated from Andhra Pradesh. It needs special crop protection technique to sustain its great sweetness.

Mango is considered to be the king of all fruits. It is so delicious in taste, excellent in flavor, mind blowing fragrance.  Mango fruits are enriched with Vitamin A and C. Once a sapling grows into a tree, it requires low maintenance. Nature will take care of the tree. Mango fruits are utilized at all stages of its growth both in raw fruit and matured fruit. RAw fruits are used to make chutneys, thuvaiyals, pickles. The ripe fruits are used for making desserts, sweets, squashes, jams.
Mangoes normally grow under both tropical and subtropical climatic conditions.

Mangoes come up well in wide range of soils from alluvial to laterite.

There are nearly 1000 varieties of mangoes grown in our nation.

Yet I want to know more about mango cultivation especially Imampaaanth.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017


There are amazing beauty care qualities in the roses.Rose petals are used to make rose water. The Rose water is beneficial to body, skin, face and hair. It is very effective to both the dry skin and oily skin.
Rose water is rich in Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and B3 and flavanoids. It is anti inflammatory, antioxidant, astringent therapeutic properties.
Rose water has antiseptic and antibacterial properties to maintain our skin healthy. It reduces pimples.
It acts as a perfect conditioner for our hair after shampooing. Regular use of rose water in our natural hair prevents grey hair and improves the shining and black healthy hair.

Rose water is a natural toner to our skin. It enhances the natural glow of the skin and face. It is a good moisturizer.
Rose water prevents dandruff. Gently soak the cotton swabs in rose water and keep it on your closed eyes to et relief from stress and gives soothing effect. It banish the dark space around the eyes by applying the rose water.
Rose water is being placed in every house hold as an important source.
We can prepare rose water by using one handful of rose petals boiled in wateruntil the petals become colourless. and water becomes pink colored and reduced to 1/4th level. Set aside to cool and fill the container and store it in cool place. Regular use of rose water promotes hair growth.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017


Rose plants are woody prickly plants belonging to Rosaceae family of the Plant Kingdom. I am a Rose lover always admiring its scents and charming beauty of the Rose. It is said that there are more than 200 species of different types of roses in the world. Roses are of different sizes, colours depending on its species. The roses are loved by almost all of the people around the world. Roses are cultivated by plant breeding. In Asia and Europian countries, the climbing roses are commonly grown everywhere. They are abundantly blooming all the seasons due to the cool weather. Each color of the rose symbolizes certain valuation of the human emotions. Red roses signify as a symbol of love. White roses values friendship. White roses are mentioned for the purity of the mind. Pink colored roses define joy. 

Rose hip is a fruit of the rose. It is an excellent source of vitamins.  Rose is used in traditional medicine to relieve stress, stomach pain, and skin disorders. It is an important ingredient in perfume factories.

The healthy young leaves and leaflets are reddish green and seemed as strong alternative leaves with prickles. The rose plucked with its leaves looks appealing and shining. 

The most common issues of the rose plant is Mildew, dark spots on the leaves and mosaic disease affected the leaves.  This is due to humid or damp climate. Pruning is important to get relief from the diseases affected in the leaves. These diseases destroy the nature of the flowers. So Prune the stem of the rose plant after blooming.to a certain extent. You can see new leaflets on the nodes of the stem. Remove the affected leaves. So the care and affection are needed to grow the rose plant.

I am sharing herewith the Indian garden roses bloomed today morning. The fragrance of aura of these panner roses spread all over the garden in the early morning!