Saturday 20 February 2021


This is a grafted table lemon plant purchased from a nursery with leaf buds four months before.

It is not difficult to grow fruit trees in terrace garden. They can yield a considerable quantity of healthy and tasty fruits with some tricks.

Grafted varieties of fruit plants work best in terrace garden as they will start fruits garden in the same year.

How to grow a healthy lemon tree?

Use big size container with good drainage holes or grow bags uv trees 200 gsm 18 inches ×18 inches. 

Soil mix as follows:

Garden soil or red soil 30%
Coco peat  25%
Vermi compost 25%
Neem cake powder 10%
Organic compost 10%

Transplant the sapling in the grow bag. Water the soil mix and keep it in morning direct sunlight and keep moist until the plant established.

Water them plant both morning and evening. 
Spray water over the leaves at  noon 12 -1 p.m.

Fertilize the plant once in 15 days with a hand புல் of vermicompost, Neem cake powder and organic compost mixture. 

This lemon requires consistency water supply.
Let us watch how it grow and will be updates
of every stage of growth.


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