Thursday, 31 August 2017


If the season is favorite for growth, the Imampasanth sapling will grow fast with the healthy branches.

Now,  it is four feet height and seems healthy and strong.

I googled to know about the Imampasanth mango variety, I came to know about the cultivation and high yield of Imampasanth variety of all mangoes,

It is originated from Andhra Pradesh. It needs special crop protection technique to sustain its great sweetness.

Mango is considered to be the king of all fruits. It is so delicious in taste, excellent in flavor, mind blowing fragrance.  Mango fruits are enriched with Vitamin A and C. Once a sapling grows into a tree, it requires low maintenance. Nature will take care of the tree. Mango fruits are utilized at all stages of its growth both in raw fruit and matured fruit. RAw fruits are used to make chutneys, thuvaiyals, pickles. The ripe fruits are used for making desserts, sweets, squashes, jams.
Mangoes normally grow under both tropical and subtropical climatic conditions.

Mangoes come up well in wide range of soils from alluvial to laterite.

There are nearly 1000 varieties of mangoes grown in our nation.

Yet I want to know more about mango cultivation especially Imampaaanth.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017


There are amazing beauty care qualities in the roses.Rose petals are used to make rose water. The Rose water is beneficial to body, skin, face and hair. It is very effective to both the dry skin and oily skin.
Rose water is rich in Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and B3 and flavanoids. It is anti inflammatory, antioxidant, astringent therapeutic properties.
Rose water has antiseptic and antibacterial properties to maintain our skin healthy. It reduces pimples.
It acts as a perfect conditioner for our hair after shampooing. Regular use of rose water in our natural hair prevents grey hair and improves the shining and black healthy hair.

Rose water is a natural toner to our skin. It enhances the natural glow of the skin and face. It is a good moisturizer.
Rose water prevents dandruff. Gently soak the cotton swabs in rose water and keep it on your closed eyes to et relief from stress and gives soothing effect. It banish the dark space around the eyes by applying the rose water.
Rose water is being placed in every house hold as an important source.
We can prepare rose water by using one handful of rose petals boiled in wateruntil the petals become colourless. and water becomes pink colored and reduced to 1/4th level. Set aside to cool and fill the container and store it in cool place. Regular use of rose water promotes hair growth.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017


Rose plants are woody prickly plants belonging to Rosaceae family of the Plant Kingdom. I am a Rose lover always admiring its scents and charming beauty of the Rose. It is said that there are more than 200 species of different types of roses in the world. Roses are of different sizes, colours depending on its species. The roses are loved by almost all of the people around the world. Roses are cultivated by plant breeding. In Asia and Europian countries, the climbing roses are commonly grown everywhere. They are abundantly blooming all the seasons due to the cool weather. Each color of the rose symbolizes certain valuation of the human emotions. Red roses signify as a symbol of love. White roses values friendship. White roses are mentioned for the purity of the mind. Pink colored roses define joy. 

Rose hip is a fruit of the rose. It is an excellent source of vitamins.  Rose is used in traditional medicine to relieve stress, stomach pain, and skin disorders. It is an important ingredient in perfume factories.

The healthy young leaves and leaflets are reddish green and seemed as strong alternative leaves with prickles. The rose plucked with its leaves looks appealing and shining. 

The most common issues of the rose plant is Mildew, dark spots on the leaves and mosaic disease affected the leaves.  This is due to humid or damp climate. Pruning is important to get relief from the diseases affected in the leaves. These diseases destroy the nature of the flowers. So Prune the stem of the rose plant after a certain extent. You can see new leaflets on the nodes of the stem. Remove the affected leaves. So the care and affection are needed to grow the rose plant.

I am sharing herewith the Indian garden roses bloomed today morning. The fragrance of aura of these panner roses spread all over the garden in the early morning!


This plant is a fleshy herb with an oregano aroma that has amazing medicinal benefits. The binomial name of this plant is Plectranthus Amboinicus and the family is Lamiaceae. We can easily grow these plants in pots, as it doesn't require much care and maintenance. It can be grown as an ornamental plant.

Karpooravalli is the Tamil name whereas its English name is Indian Borage.

The leaves are very tender and soft with astringent taste when it is chewed. The leaves can be cooked and can be eaten raw. This is a famous traditional medicine for cold and cough since long times ago.

It can be propagated by a cutting and plant in a soil or a pot. Ample watering is needed for the abundant growth. We can grow these herbs by simply throwing the ajwain seeds on the soil and spraying water in the morning and evening.

This plant is semi succulent perennial herb grown in tropical and tropical regions but will do we,, in cool weather if grown in a pot.

This Indian Borage is an antiseptic, antimicrobial, appetizing, digestive, carminative stomachic, anthelmintic, binding, expectorant, deodorant, diuretic and tonic in nature. It is a good remedy for treating respiratory disorders.The leaves of this plant are not only traditionally used for the treatment of coughs, sore throats, nasal congestion but also for rheumatism, flatulence, malarial fever, chronic asthma, bronchitis and epilepsy by the Ayurvedic medicinal world.

The leaves are used in various healthy recipes by the village folks of Tamilnadu such as karpooravalli thuvaiyal, karpooravalli rasam, karpooravalli kashayam, karpooravalli bajjies, karpooravalli Tea.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017


      In the morning, I usually have a short visit to the garden and observe everything keenly. I wish cool goodmorning to every sapling, plants and fruit trees and have a great desire to capture the beautiful flowers blooming. I never forget to smell the divine fragrance emanated in the morning air!
I feel deep meditation in the garden. I love to capture the images of every fresh flower I have seen.

I think that this is the right time to tell you about the planting of rose cuttings. The rose stem cutting should be 6 to 8 inches in height measuring approximately down the young stem from the basee of the bloom. Always prefer to use sharp clean pruners to cut the stem. The soil should be kept ready by digging the pit for about three to four inches deep and loosening the soil with fresh water. It is better to cultivate the rose sapling during Raining season. (September, October and November)

Once the rose cuttings done, they should be brought to the planting soil.
Always do this planting process in the evening  5 p.m to 6 p.m. Take out a single cutting, remove the leaves from the lower side of the cutting. Then make a small sliding slit with a sharp blade.

Use a pencil or pen like stick to make a hole that is deep enough to plant the cutting up to 4 inches of its over all height. Gently push the soil in around the cutting to set the cutting erect. Do the same process for each cutting. Water gently the soil till the water absorbed by the soil around the cutting.
It is important to use fresh water always  which stimulates the fast growth of the cutting and the soil moisture around the cutting should be maintained. But care should be taken to avoid the creation of standing water or muddy soil around. Shaking of the cutting destroy the rooting. So don't disturb the cutting. During raining season, the rooting will be fast. So do the process during this season.
No fertilizers needed for rooting. Adult rose bushes only need the natural fertilizer Neem cakes, ash.
Don't use chemical fertilizers, Watering abundantly when the rose bushes grown. Fresh water must be used. Then only you can see lot flowers and buds in the Rose plant.

You can plant the cuttings in a pot in the same method and keep undisturbed. I will post the images of taking rose stem cuts and show the images of planting in a pot during the next post.

Monday, 21 August 2017


Fragrant jasmine shrub is adored by the gardeners like me because of its divine fragrance, abundant growth and its white flowers. In this spring season, it begins to produce bountiful clusters of 2 to three flowers of white beauty on twining branches clad with rich dark green leaves up to eight or nine leaflets.

I think the blooming will continue all over the year. Such a divine fragrance! 

It is said to be the shrub of jasmine virtually pest and disease free. Resistant to all the insects. It is a hardy shrub that is seldom attacked by the pests. but aphids may attack. Remove the branches that have sticky honeydew excreted by the aphids. However, the plant itself take care of itself on right suitable conditions.

It covers the ground. 

We will prune out thin and old shoots so that the advantage of blooming on new shoot develops and grows and bounce back with flowers profusely in just a few weeks.

This Jasmine's scientific name is Jasminum officinale. There are more than 200 species of jasmine in this plant kingdom.

This is also termed as Common white Jasmine. It can be propagated from cuttings taken during the spring season.

The cuttings will take 4 to 5weeks to root. Pinch out the tips of the tiny plant to enhance its bushy growth.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Roses in our garden

This is Andra Red Rose. It can be propagated by cuttings with leaf buddings. Watering is to be done regularly. Rainy season is ideal for propagation by cuttings. Manure like Neem cakes with abundant watering will enhance its growth fast.  Pruning is important during raining and winter season. The flowering is abundant during the months of October, November. Black spot disease is more common which affects the leaves of the rose. Whenever I observe the diseased leaves, I remove the leaves immediately.
Fresh leaves will bud up quickly. Unproductive shoots should be removed by cutting. 

This is called as Paneer Rose or Edward Rose or Cabbage rose. 

Roe plants in our home garden are shrubby, thorny and are grown erect. The branches are growing laterally.
The leaves are unequal and pinnate and 4 to 6 leaflets which are oblong. The young leaves are pale red and matured leaves are dark green.
The flowers are large and pinkish in colour; When you go near this rose bush, You will get addicted to the regal smell emanated from these beautiful rose flowers.
The Scientific name of rose is Rosa Centifolia/Rosa Indica.  Family: Rosaceae. It is otherwise called as cabbage rose.
It is cultivated for its fragrance of flowers.
It is highly commercial value. It has been used for the medicinal purpose since very long time ago.
According to Ayurveda medicine, The key factors of Rose is antidepressant, anti spasmodic, aphrodisiac, anti bacterial, anti viral, antiseptic, anti inflammatory, blood tonic, cleansing, digestive stimulant,t expectorant, increases bile production, menstrual regulator.

Rose oil, Rose gulgand, Rose scents are being prepared since long years ago in India.

There is one interesting news about this rose is that this rose plant is associated with the planet Venus, the Goddess of love and beauty. Its fragrance is Divine.

The Rose flower has various health benefits. It has healing properties also.
The Rose contains vitamin C, Pectin and it is a natural coolant. Rose oil is extracted from the petals.
Tea can be prepared using petals

Drumstick vegetable